
Full text access

Easy access to scientific articles from home?
We offer you tips and tricks.

Access from home

Login with your HU account

Working at home on your research, thesis or article? Then it is important that you are able to gain access to scientific articles. Use the links on our website to access databases. This way you are automatically logged in.

Lean Library Access browser extension

Do you want easier access to articles? Then use the Lean Library Access browser extension.
You can access scientific articles, journals and databases from the HU Library collection directly from your browser.

How does it work?

If you visit a HU library licensed website you will receive a notification. Then it is a matter of clicking once to access that site through the library, and access all licensed material.

The browser extension shows an icon in the bookmarks bar. This works more or less like a traffic light. If the icon is green, you are logged in. You do not have access with a gray icon. If you want to read an article that seemsĀ  inaccessible, Library Access looks for an open access version of that article.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides an easy way to search for academic articles, dissertations and books. Via the settings of Google Scholar you can realize direct access to a large part of the digital information sources of the HU.

How does this work?

Browzine app: reading articles on your tablet or phone

Browzine is an app for Apple and Android tablets and smartphones. With this app you can read a large part of the scientific journals that the HU is subscribed to. Free for HU employees and students.

Minimal system requirements: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean), iOS 7.x

How does it work?


Start by searching the HU Library


Then log in with your HU account.
Now choose a Subject or search for a Title. Tap the journal to open it.
Tip: If a title is too long and not completely visible, tap the white title area.


Please note! Not all journals are available full text, some have an embargo of around 18 months. Click on Available Issues to view old volumes.


You can email articles, save them in Browzine, open them in other apps or send them to a reference manager such as Refworks.
Please note! If you send a quotation to Refworks you will see a temporary confirmation in the lower right corner of Browzine.


Final tips:
Use My Bookshelf and Saved Articles to save your favourites.
Do you want to synchronize saved articles between the desktop web version and your phone? Then you must create an account under “Settings”.


Requesting articles or books at other libraries

If a desired publication (book or magazine article) is not available in the HU Library collection, you can request it from the holdings of other libraries via / Interlibrary Loan ( ILL).

Information about costs and conditions can be found in the lending regulations (Article 6 and Article 7).

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