The HU Library provides you access to reliable and relevant information on communication and media:
Need scientific articles for your research or project?
We have made a selection of three main databases with articles on communication and media.
Communication en Mass Media Complete
International journals in the field of communication and mass media.
Science direct
Scientific journal articles on a variety of topics, including communication and information sciences.
Looking for company data, statistics on communication and media or cost data? Please view our selection of information sources.
StatisticsTrends and developments
Want to know the main trends and developments on communication and media? Please view our selection of information sources.
Marketline advantage
Access to thousands of international company profiles, industry profiles and country statistics.
Need help?
Our information specialists are ready to help you find and process information.
- Which search terms should I use? (Tips)
- How do I gain access to articles which are not available? (Tips)
- Which databases should I use?




Research Centre for Innovation in Business and Communication