Tue 15 Oct 12:00 – 17:00 | HU Library | Free entry | Podium x HU Library

– Illustration by Eline Veldhuisen 

The exam period is coming coming up. That means spending long days hunched over your laptop or study books again. To get you through these tough times we thought of a way to help you boost your concentration in style!

Instrumental music is proven to improve your concentration level and make you stay focused for a longer period of time. So we’re inviting talented artists into section C of the HU Library to provide instrumental music while you study. Throughout the day you can enjoy different genres of music. Let’s get you in the zone and make those exams feel like a walk in the park!

To complete the perfect study atmosphere, we will provide free tea, coffee, and snacks. Drop by and be ready to study like you have never before.

– Line up will be announced soon –

About Study Sounds

Study Sounds is a coproduction by Podium and the HU Library to create the ultimate study environment. Young and talented local artist will perform live instrumental music inside section C of the library to help you keep your focus and break out of your study slump. Get to know different genres of music and enjoy some drinks and snacks while you work through your study material in preparation of your exams.


The library is accessible by elevator via the ground floor of Padualaan 99. Every floor and Padualaan 101 have a wheelchair accessible toilet. Zone C is accessible by wheelchair upon request. Please contact the service desk via tel:088-4817125 or mail: to arrange this access in advance or talk to the person behind the desk on the day itself. This event is a Language No Problem event so you’re welcome to come, no matter what language you speak. If you have any worries or needs that might prevent you from participating in this activity, please let us know by sending a message to and we will try to accommodate as best as we can.

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