The Netherlands Research Portal (OpenAIRE CONNECT)


DynaMed delivers the most current and accurate, evidence-based content for practicing clinicians. Replacement for UpToDate.

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Statista is one of the largest statistics and marketing data platforms in the world.

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Trip Database

Clinical search engine for high-quality research evidence: clinical evidence, systematic reviews, guidelines and more.

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Millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE and more.

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Ebook Central

E-books for Economy & Management; Education; Healthcare; History; Linguistics; Journalism; Sociology; Science & Technology.

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Web of Science

Abstracts and citations from high impact journals in the fields of sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

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Visible Body

Thousands of interactive anatomic 3D-models one can rotate, zoom in on, dissect etc. Create an account with your HU email address.

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Science Direct

Scientific journals in the field of physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences.

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Millions of abstracts in the field of psychology, behavioral science and mental health.

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NEN Connect

Dutch database with access to the full text of all Dutch standards and accepted standards in the Netherlands.

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HBO Kennisbank

Publications by professors, researchers and students of Hogeschool Utrecht and other Dutch universities of applied science.

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Embase is the European counterpart to MEDLINE. The search engine searches both Embase and MEDLINE (PubMed).

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