

The platform for everyone who is concerned with the question “how brands and organizations behave”.

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PW Magazine

Access to the articles from the magazine as well as sample documents, step-by-step plans and tools.

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Statista is one of the largest statistics and marketing data platforms in the world.

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Scientific knowledge about how brands and communication work, in Dutch

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Ebook Central

E-books for Economy & Management; Education; Healthcare; History; Linguistics; Journalism; Sociology; Science & Technology.

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The World Advertising Research Center (WARC) offers information about advertising, marketing, brands and campaigns.

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Dutch information in the areas of HRM, facility management, construction and more.

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Dutch site with safety regulations and methods with regard to safety at work.

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Science Direct

Scientific journals in the field of physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences.

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NEN Connect

Dutch database with access to the full text of all Dutch standards and accepted standards in the Netherlands.

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HBO Kennisbank

Publications by professors, researchers and students of Hogeschool Utrecht and other Dutch universities of applied science.

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Scholarly, government and general-interest titles covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.

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Research into and analysis of trends and developments in the IT industry.

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Emerald Insight

International journals in various fields, including management, education, technology, information management and logistics.

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