GWW Kosten
Dutch database with cost data for calculation of work in civil engineering, road and hydraulic engineering.
Dutch database with cost data for calculation of work in civil engineering, road and hydraulic engineering.
Scholarly, government and general-interest titles covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.
Wetenschappelijke, overheids- en algemene publicaties over de menselijke impact op het milieu.
Online resource with literature and research in the field of education.
Internationale tijdschriften op verschillende gebieden, o.a. management, onderwijs, techniek, informatiemanagement & logistiek.
International journals in various fields, including management, education, technology, information management and logistics.
Embase is the European counterpart to MEDLINE. The search engine searches both Embase and MEDLINE (PubMed).
Embase is de Europese tegenhanger van MEDLINE. De zoekmachine doorzoekt tegelijkertijd Embase en MEDLINE (PubMed).
Platform om dramalessen in het basisonderwijs samen te stellen. (Kies Inloggen met SurfConext)
Dutch platform for compiling drama lessons in primary education. (Choose ‘Inloggen met SurfConext’)