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ACM Digital Library

ACM Digital Library

Full text artikelen en samenvattingen op het gebied van computer- en informatietechnologie.

BouwZo (voorheen ISSO Open)

BouwZo (voorheen ISSO Open)

ISSO-publicaties, BRL, Handboeken, Kleintjes en SBR publicaties. Kies ‘inloggen’, vervolgens: ‘ga door met Surf Connext’.



Dutch database on building and installation technology.

Academic Search Complete

Academic Search Complete

Multidisciplinaire databank met full text tijdschriften en samenvattingen voor vrijwel alle academische studies.



Below you see an impression of activities in the HUB-Lab. We offer resources, guidance and workshops to HU staff and students. Please contact us for…

Range of resources

Range of resources

The HUB-Lab offers a wide range of innovative resources and technologies to use in educational practice. Here you find an overview of all our resources….



The HU library has a large collection of online and paper journals. Where do you find journals?

Study spots

Study spots

The HU Library location Utrecht offers 418 study spots where you can study in silence, of which 84 have desktop computers. Also, 2 project rooms…

Publishing your research

Publishing your research

When your research is completed, it is time to publish the results. By signing the Berlin Declaration on Open Access, the HU endorses open access….



The HU Library provides you access to reliable and relevant information on (inter)national law, case law, government policy and social research reports.

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