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Dutch site for teachers, with free lessons, assignments, teaching methods, worksheets and exercises.

United Nations – Statistics division
Global statistical information from the United Nations Statistics Division.

Dutch site with zoning plans, development plans and general rules made by municipalities, province and the government.

Nederlands Jeugdinstituut (NJi)
Dutch site with information in the field of youth and the youth services infrastructure.

Database of material properties. Includes data sheets of polymers, metals and semiconductors.

Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren
Digital Library for Dutch Literature, contains Dutch literary texts.

Databank Effectieve sociale interventies
Dutch database with effective interventions in the social domain. (Movisie)

Databank Effectieve Jeugdinterventies
Dutch youth interventions, information, development programs and intensive aid.

Chemexper Chemical Directory (CCD)
Database with chemical structures, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and IR spectra.

Site voor leraren/docenten met gratis lessen, opdrachten, lesmethodes, werkbladen en oefeningen.