Exam weekends exclusively for HU students

During the exam periods, the HU Library always has extended opening hours on weekends. We do this to give students the opportunity to study for their exams in a quiet and motivating environment.

In the upcoming period, study spots in the library will be available only to HU students during the weekends of the exam periods. Upon entering Padualaan 99, students will need to show their digital student card. This can be found in the myHU app.

Below are the dates and times for the exam weekends in June 2024

Sat 8 and Sun 9 June 2024 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Sat 15 and Sun 16 June 2024 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Sat 22 and Sun 23 June 2024 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
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